Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wau birds

Wau is a type of bird kites are popular in Malaysia. It is the type of kite that has the shape of birds, and are available in various types.
Which type of kite that has a shape of a bird are as follows: -
Wau bayan
Wau Eagle
Wau hornbill
Wau peacock
Wau owls
Wau Wiwik
Normally, bird kite will be attached to the sound of gong or a bow on top. It aims to generate buzz bungi produced when the wind through the bow span. When blown into the air, bow wow is a loud sound. Some kites are also buzzing played at night because it can produce a good sound.
Many types of bird kites decorated with vines motif of traditional forms, or images of birds that became the name for the type of kite is a new type of shape.

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